Enabling Edtech companies to add €1m ARR in under 12 months

Without reducing your margins or spending a single euro on advertising.

What our clients have to say

Simon Hedberg - CEO and Cofounder @ SkillGround

Rickard Bengtsson - Creative Director and Cofounder @ SkillGround

Enzo Gherib Ghizzo - CEO and Cofounder @ Growth Opportunity

Gaultier Large - CEO and Cofounder @ Eduxim

Case studies


Over €120,000 in qualified sales pipelines, 4 sales proposals and 21 calls in our first month of collaboration.


Currently raising funds thanks to the generated sales pipeline around their offer (8x increase in sales traction since partnering with Outcquisitions).


Qualified meetings with decision-makers and C-suite executives at LVMH, Canal +, Brut.com, Louis Vuitton UK, L'Étudiant, Monoprix, Sézane, Bouygues Telecom, Mantu, MACSF, Danone... (over €1M in sales pipelines and ongoing negotiations).

Branding Opportunity

6 high ticket clients (total value > €5k each) in less than 2 months

Who Is This for

- You are an Educational or Edtech company selling throughout Europe or Worldwide.- You've found Product Market Fit and want to scale like never before.- You've already tried to outsource your marketing and sales appointments generation, but didn't get any convincing results.- You are a product-oriented Founder and need to get your product into the hands of whoever needs it.- You're good at sales but too implicated in the process.- You’re worried about cash flow and keeping your sales pipeline full.- You want to form long-lasting relationships.

Why Outcquisitions

Say goodbye to lead generation agencies and dodgy external service providers.In addition to generating qualified appointments, our partnerships are based on the following foundations:
- Creation of a Demand generation system
- Value asset based marketing
- Sales enablement
Some of the companies we've booked qualified calls with over the past few months:

The Outcquisitions Protocol

To succeed, you need to get back to basics and focus on what works:- Generate demand for your offer
- Convert this demand in clients
It's as simple as that.To ensure that you reach your revenue targets, we created our 4-step protocol:1. Case studies collection: we interview your best clients and shape an offer that will allow you to attract more of them.2. Creation of the Minimum Viable Marketing Assets (MVMA): these will make sure you get your ICP's attention3. Demand Generation Engine Creation to get traffic to your Marketing Assets and convert it into high paying customers.4. Sales Enablement: we allow your team to close more deals and increase your closing rate.Here is the full protocol detail.

Who is Outcquisitions

After spending years creating Outbound Demand Generation Engine and generating millions of euros in qualified sales pipeline, we specialized in partnering with Education and Edtech companies only.With a European team based between Biarritz (France) and Warsaw (Poland), Outcquisitions allows our partners to add €1m ARR in under 12 months through their partnership protocol.

Book a Strategy Session

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